Suffern Presbyterian Church
81 Washington Ave
Suffern, NY 10901
Summer has once again flown by and now its time to set dates
for the fall and winter. Please carefully read about the exciting
events, opportunities, and ministries described in this newsletter, pray
about what to take part in, and then come!
On a personal note, the Kemp family had a marvelous vacation
in Colorado visiting friends in Estes Park. We enjoyed the wonderful
cool evenings, the spectacular views of mountains, mini-glaciers, tundra,
and rock formations, and we even got to visit Focus on the Family in Colorado
Springs. We also spent a week visiting family in Virginia and attending
a PRMI conference (Presbyterian & Reformed Ministries, International)
where 125 leaders worked on plans to take the Dunamis Project teaching
on the empowering work of the Holy Spirit into more churches and overseas.
Starting Sunday September 8, worship services will begin at 10:30.AM
Come hear the pastors finish up the sermon series in Acts.
Friday October 25 -- Jim Worthing in concert at SPC. (Jim was formerly
the lead singer for The Cumberland Boys)
Friday-Saturday, November 1-2 -- Alpha Autumn Weekend Away
Friday-Sunday, November 15-17 -- The Dunamis Project Spiritual Gifts
Conference at SPC with Rev. Tom Willcox teaching and Dave Pierson of PRMI
leading a Youth Empowerment event. A childrens program is
also being worked on.
Tribute to Grace and Hope
9/11/2002, 7:00 PM at Madison Square Garden
Sponsored by Jammin in the Darkness, WMCA and Focus on the Family.
Come hear Allan Houston and Charlie Ward of the Knicks give testimonies
and Steven Curtis Chapman lead worship. Cost is $15, reserved seating.
Call the church office to sign up.
Jars of Clay Concert
Friday Sept. 20, 8:00 PM at Ocean Groves Great Auditorium
Tickets cost $20 general admission. We will need men to help drive
for this trip as many of the women will be at a conference in Connecticut.
Call the church office to reserve a ticket.
Communion Whats It All About?
Sunday, Sept. 29, 12:30 PM
Discussion and lunch after morning worship.
Autumn Blaze
All day Saturday October 12
An awesome day of worship, great speakers, and fun. Details forthcoming.
Lets Bring Young Life to Town!
Please be praying and consider helping bring Young Lifes outreach ministry
to Sufferns middle and senior high schools. Come to a vision and
planning meeting Tuesday, September 10 at 7:30 PM in the Wissler Room and
meet with Jim Cunningham, Young Lifes Area Director. We made a good
start last year but 9/11 came and we all had new demands on our lives for
a season. So, lets try again!
9/11 Service of Remembrance
Wednesday September 11, 7:30-9:00 PM at the Palisades Mall
The Rockland Evangelical Ministers Fellowship will be leading a county-wide
memorial service of prayer, worship, testimonies, and witness for all desiring
comfort and hope as we remember last years day of terror. Bring
a family member or friend and come find hope in the message of the Cross.
The gathering will be across from Lord & Taylor, on the first level.
Our churchs sanctuary will be open all that day for prayer.
Alpha Celebration Dinner Party
Wednesday September 18, 6:30 PM
If you havent gone on the Alpha Course, this is the time to find out about
it. All you Alpha Grads are invited too! Bring a friend to
introduce them to this marvelous program. Youll also hear about
other small group topics that will be offered at the same time as Alpha.
What a great way to find Christ and friendship! (There will be Pizza
& A Movie for your kids and nursery care.) Call the church office
to make your reservations.
Women of Faith Conference
September 20-21 New Haven, CT
Call the church office to get on the waiting list in case some of our
SPC ticket holders find they are unable to come.
Sermon topics wanted! Have you wanted
to hear a Sunday message on a particular topic? Now that the Acts
series is finishing up, Pastors Allen and Debbie will be taking some time
to preach on subjects of interest to you. What do you need to hear
a sermon on? Whats happening in the Body of Christ that needs to
be addressed from Scripture? Please send us a note, email us, phone
in, or just put a piece of paper in the offering plate on Sunday with your
requests. All difficult topics will be referred to guest speakers?
Small Group topics and themes wanted!
Sunday morning adult Bible classes, mid-week evening Alpha graduate courses,
and other small groups are forming. Volunteers have come forward
offering to teach courses on the Dunamis Intro to the Holy Spirit material,
Creation Science, Nicky Gumbles Philippians series, and a couples group
for those wanting to grow in intimacy in their marriages. We need
to hear from you! What do you want? When? If you were
not in church August 25 to fill out the Adult Interest Survey, see one
of the ushers before church to get a survey to fill out.
SPCs 100th Anniversary is around the corner!
On January 2, 1902 a group of people met for prayer upstairs in a bank
on Lafayette Avenue. On May 4, 1903 ground breaking began on the
chapel (now known as our Gathering Place.) On June 10, 1903 SPC was
incorporated as a church by Hudson Presbytery. That Thanksgiving
Day the chapel was dedicated. Would you like to help plan our
centennial festivities? There are so many possibilities and wed
like to do it well. Session has already set Pentecost Sunday,
June 8, 2003 as the date for the big celebration with perhaps a whole
weekend of festivities. Ideas are already coming in: bringing back
former pastors to preach, making historical displays, inviting out-of-town
members for a centennial banquet, doing an ad book to raise funds for a
church van Save the weekend, but also please call and let us know
if youd be interested in serving on a 100th Anniversary Planning Committee.
Thanks to Joan Raiani and Edith Charleman who have volunteered
as our new Co-Sunday School Superintendents. The Childrens &
Youth Committee has met several times over the summer and we all look forward
to an exciting Rally Day on September 15 and to a great fall season.
Rally Sunday, September 15
Come one, come all. (Hey this is for adults too!)
9:00 AM Be a Fool for Christ circus-theme opening program.
10:30 AM Nyack Colleges Rivers Crossing in concert
during the worship service.
All-church/after-church picnic lunch
on the lawn with clowning, face painting, and games.
Watch for details coming in the mail.
Saturday September 7, 9:00 AM -- Sunday School classrooms Work Day
Saturday September 14, 2:00 PM -- Acolyte training
Saturday September 28 6:00 PM First Communion Orientation
and Family Night Supper
Sunday September 29 -- After church training class for older kids on
the meaning of Communion. Lunch will be served.
Christian Ministries Convention
October 25-26 at Hawthorne Gospel Church
For youth and childrens workers, Sunday School teachers, parents.
130 workshops are offered to gain new skills, gather exciting new ideas,
and learn how to be an even better teacher or leader. SPC will pay
registration fees for all teachers and leaders.
Harvest Festival
Thursday October 31. Time tba.
Thursday October 17, 6:30 PM -- Rocklands CareNet Pregnancy Center fund
raising banquet at the Holiday Inn Suffern.
Sunday October 20 Ivory Coast missionary David Hall preaching