Suffern Presbyterian Church is called to be a place of God’s abiding
presence; a well, dug deep into
the heart of God, where people can come and drink
freely of the living water of Christ and be restored.
Our Mission
is to
· Exalt Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit
· Seek to be like Christ
· Take the good news of God’s love to people everywhere
· Love our neighbor as ourselves
We exalt Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit by
* Worshiping and praying on a regular basis
*Giving ourselves in service
*Seeking the empowerment and gifts of the Holy Spirit
*Living lives of holiness
We seek to be like Christ by
*Studying the Scriptures
*Conforming our lives to His Word
*Seeking to know the will of the Father
*Being united as the body of Christ
Take the good news of God’s love to all people everywhere by
*Seeking personally to share the gospel with those around us
*Supporting overseas missions through prayer, funding, and trips
*Assisting local ministries through prayer, funding, and personal involvement
*Uniting with other churches for prayer, worship, and outreach
Love our neighbors as ourselves by
*Seeking to serve our local communities
*Being personally involved in ministry that meets the needs of others
*Financially supporting those in crisis
*Emotionally supporting and seeking friendships with those in need