Rev. Bob Shannon's
and Rev. Frank Martin's Pastorates
When Rev. Wissler retired the church membership
was 373. In 1960 the membership was 579. We had two interim pastors over the
next two years, Rev. George Kuykendall (1979-80) and Rev. Leland Gartrell (1981). On May 31, 1981 the congregation voted 143-0
to call Rev. Robert N. Shannon as its next pastor, with his duties to begin on August 1. On January 1, 1982 the church had
405 members. Note, the following is gleaned from annual reports. At another, perhaps, someone will through the Session minutes
and write a more complete history.
In his first Report of the Pastor in the annual
report for the January 1982 meeting of the congregation, Rev. Shannon wrote, Last spring, when Mary and I were contemplating
a possible call to the Suffern Presbyterian Church, my eyes fell upon a hymn in our hymnbook. The second verse of' which reads:
Wherever He may guide me, no want shall turn me back; My shepherd is beside me, and nothing can I lack. His Wisdom ever
waketh, His sight is never dim; He knows the way He taketh, and I will walk with
Certainly the truth of these words has been made
evident to us again and again in the year past, and will continue to encourage
us for the unknown years ahead. Gods guiding hand has been marvelously manifest to us as we responded to move, as we were
provided with temporary "living quarters", as we settled into a new home, and as we began to serve God in a new way in this
Borrowing a phrase from a distant clergy friend
of mine, I believe that worship is the heartbeat of the churchs life. For this reason, I have placed a great deal of emphasis
on the Sunday morning worship service And, if worship is the heartbeat, then
perhaps fellowship is the joint and ligament which ties us together. Church suppers, coffee hours, the Womens Bible Study
and Mens Fellowship have been ways to support that part of our life. -Bob Shannon in his first annual report.
It was the best of times; it was the worst of
times. So writes Rev. Shannon, using Dickens words, to describe 1982. As the best of times, we shared together in many times
of fellowship. The New Years Eve celebration in the manse...doubled. The elders and deacons have taken a more active role
in going with me serving Communion to shut ins A weekly devotional has been produced. It was a thrill to lead a worship service
in which 24 young people were confirmed. Of particular blessing has been the re-growth of our music program following a difficult
winter with the help of Joe Roman, Dick March, Melissa Geiger and Dave and Beth Evans.
It goes without saying this has also been a difficult
year. Conflict and misunderstanding have permeated much of the past five months Change
was coming to our church, but a change that would reset the spiritual course to one similar to the days of 1903-1906.
At the end of 1982 membership numbers had changed
by only 2, now with 403. But there was a lot of activity- 22 were reactivated, 38 were received, 59 were transferred out or
dropped from the rolls, and 3 died. The leadership also began to change.
In January 1984 Rev. Shannon wrote, For everything
there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. So spoke the wise author of Ecclesiastes as he surveyed God's
creation, and concluded that everything had its purpose, and God was in charge of it all. This is my conclusion, too, as I
survey the events and circumstances of this past year. We serve a great God, whose will and purposes are not always easily
discerned, but whose faithfulness and goodness can never be denied. Truly, He has been good to us.
In many ways, 1983 has been a year of change,
and change can sometimes be welcomed and difficult at the same time. I grieved with others this year as some among us felt
it necessary to seek out new church relationships. I daresay Suffern Presbyterian Church passed through one of her
more difficult times during the early part of the year - difficult for us all - but like most difficulties, when placed under
the sovereign care of our Lord, it becomes an experience from which we may grow, and learn and mature!
At the end of 1983, the clerk reported 19 new
members received, 4 reactivated, 27 transferred out, and 96 moved to the inactive roll, and 3 deaths, with a December 31 total
membership of 300. While these figures may astound, something internal is more profound, as evidenced by how, in 1981 when
the membership was 405, the total giving of those members was $77,000. In 1983, the membership was 300 but the giving was
$99,857 (no special bequests here). Something was happening in the hearts of many in the congregation.
Joan Cox, Clerk of Session wrote, It is exciting
to see how the Elders have been able to work together this year in a spirit of unity and togetherness. Although there were
many differing opinions, the Elders were always able to share these differences and concerns openly and then unify behind
the decision that was ultimately made. Sessions meetings were permeated with a feeling of Christian love and fellowship.
1984 has been a very exciting year! It seems
to me that a sense of growth and progress has been evident in virtually every area of the church's ministry. "I feel that
things are alive and moving - that God is at work", has been the gist of the many comments that I have heard from many church
That is not to say that such movement is always
easy. By no means! I have become particularly sensitive to the reality that we are a church in the midst of change, and change
can sometimes be difficult. For instance, did you know that up to one-half of those attending worship on any given Sunday
morning are people who have joined the church in the past three years! That is change! One of my greatest hopes and desires
for the coming year is that we will grow in our relationships with one another - getting to know one another better, and increasing
in the sense of "extended family" we enjoy in the Suffern Presbyterian Church.
1984 has also been a very busy year" It would
be impossible to review every activity and function which have enhanced the life of our church. But, like our Israelite forefathers,
there come special times to remind ourselves of what God bas done. . . and to
give thanks! So
I give thanks and praise to God for such things as an Easter Sunrise Service, the Elder/Deacon retreat, the work of the Music
Search Committee (and their choice of Dennis Dougherty and June March!), the reorganizing of the UPW, the experience of the
"Thru the Bible" study series, the Senior High retreats, the Progressive Dinner, the work of our Sunday School staff, passing
out Gospels of John to the neighborhood, church picnics, the growing and learning of our committees, the vast improvements
to our buildings, the Building Fund dinner, and comments by members of the Suffern community such as "It 'sounds like .some
good things are happening there", or What you've done with your yard shows a lot of love..
Our attempt to show a lot of love extends beyond
the walls of our own church, in my case particularly as you support me in other areas of church ministry
As I look back over 1987, I can see so plainly
how God had been preparing the Session for the events which took place during the year. We had grown from a group of 15 church
members meeting once a month to discuss church business to a group of brothers and sister's committed to exalting our Lord
Jesus in everything we said and did.
As we sat together that eventful night in May
and heard the
news that Pastor
Shannon was being called by God to a new priesthood and ministry, we felt overwhelmed with sadness. But as our tears dried,
we reminded ourselves of God's promise to lead us forward in safety and security and that He would be always behind us as
well. We knew that if God was, in fact, calling Bob and Mary away from Suffern, He would continue to have His hand upon our
congregation and that the work He had started here would continue to grow and bear fruit. We just needed to keep our eyes
and hearts fixed on our Lord Jesus.
In September of 1987 Frank Martin came to our church as an interim pastor. As a summary of 1988 Joan Cox, clerk of Session
wrote Some of the highlights of our work this year included a celebration in May honoring Pastor Emeritus Rudolph Wissler
on the anniversary of. his 50 years of ordination; a join Communion Service in September with the Brook and Ramapo Presbyterian Churches; the establishment of a Men's Fellowship; designated congregational prayer time on Wednesday nights; and the commencement
of a praise and prayer time on Sunday mornings prior to the beginning of our regular worship service. Even though the Session
was very saddened and a bit shaky when we received Lois Hansell's (secretary) and John Conjura's (sexton) letters of resignation,
we see God's continued care for us in the hiring of Joan Raiani and Jim Walker to carryon these ministries. We especially
thank the Lord for the continued presence of Frank and Caroljne Martin. So much of what has happened this past year has been
because of their commitment and dedication to serve Him and our congregation.