SUFFERN, NY – Every day for the past 12 years, Norma Meadows saw it when she walked out of her home.
It was an eyesore in her backyard, depleting the curb appeal of the two-story yellow home she had shared
with her husband for nearly 30 years. But ever since her husband passed away more than a decade ago, the small garage
sat virtually unused behind the 80-year-old woman’s home. The beams were rotting and falling
apart. The shingled walls were weathered and showing signs of their age. The garage did little else but house
a few broken down cars. Recently, city officials had started to threaten Norma with hefty fines if she didn’t
remove it from the property. A fine from the city would’ve pushed her already meager budget to its limits, but
unfortunately, there was very little this retiree could do to remove the structure from her yard.
Norma didn't know what to do, but all of that changed the day she got a call from her church asking if she’d like
some help tearing down the garage. Suffern Presbyterian Church, just two blocks away from her home, had been her
church home for the past 17 years, and the church’s co-pastors, Allen and Debbie Kemp, were looking for some community
service projects to do in the neighborhood as part of the church’s Faith in Actionday. The
outreach was part of a nationwide campaign created by World Vision, the internaitional Christian humanitarian organization;
Christian publisher Zondervan; and church communications firm Outreach, Inc. to mobilize churches across the country
to go outside the boundaries of their buildings and reach into the communities they serve. Volunteers wear shirts
emblazoned with the campaign's slogan, "Don't go to church. Be the church," and pastors cancel the church's regular Sunday
service and organize community projects in the neighborhood. The service event caps off a four-week study that prepares
congregants for the event by focusing on the Biblical models for compassion, service, and Christ’s heart for those in
need. “We want to do the things Jesus did. Everywhere Jesus walked, he had compassion
on the needs of the people,” said Pastor Allen Kemp. Since the campaign started in May, nearly
20,000 participants from coast to coast have volunteered their Sunday morning to lend a helping hand to their neighbors.
But for some, canceling regular Sunday services was a radical idea. For Pastor Kemp, it made perfect sense.
“We have church members in need. That’s why we do this,” said Pastor Kemp. “Today
isour worship service – but it’s in our front yard.” Faith in Action projects have
been as varied as the churches that participate in them. Past projects include everything from making lunch for
AmeriCorps members in Seattle to fixing up a teen shelter in Chicago to holding a “free” yard sale, giving
away clothes and food to those in need in New York. Here, in Suffern on a crisp mid-October day,
as nearly a dozen volunteers from the church and the community busied themselves shearing bushes, raking leaves, and
tearing down the weathered garage, Norma’s eyes welled up with tears. “You’ll
never know how much I appreciate it,” Norma said, reaching up to dab her eyes with a tissue. “Never,
never, never. It’s like a family, a wonderful family. I wish everyone could have a church like this.”
To get your church involved in Faith in Action, check out: or call 1-800-991-6011. -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Laura Cusumano Blank Media Relations Manager | Domestic Affairs World
Vision - United States Office: 212.736.2997, Cell: 646.245.2496 Skype: LauraBlank 143
W. 29th Street, 4th floor | New York, NY 10001 USA
World Vision | Building a better world for children |
Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide
to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.